Monday, October 20, 2008

More Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch

The kids had a good time at the Pumpkin Patch! I think they liked picking up all the pumpkins and riding on the tractor the best.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Visit with Steve & Claire

Steve and Claire came down for the night and we went to dinner. It was really nice meeting Claire and catching up with Steve!

Video of Kids Playing at Mom Moms!

The Twins Turn 2

More of them with cake faces.

Sydney and Nathan Turned Two

Syd and Nate helped Mommy make their birthday cakes----well not really but they did get to lick the beaters.

We can't believe our babies are two. They are so much fun and we are enjoying every moment.

Lions Club Park

Nonnie and I took the kids to Lions Club Park they had a great time.

Tractor Ride with Grand Ba

Sydney asks everyday "We going on a tractor ride". They love the tractor.

Visit with the Wolfe Family

Thanks Gena for letting us come play at your house!

Nate and Syd at the Farm

Nate and Syd really like Pap Pap's farm. Nate got to dump is first round bale.

Burl's Elk

Burl killed another Elk in Colorado bow hunting!

First Ice Cream Cone

I know I am a terrible Mother the kids were almost two before they got their first ice cream cone! Sorry I just don't like the mess! Well Pap Pap decided it was time. They really like ice cream.

More with the Fox's!

The kids liked playing basketball with Uncle Roger & Cousin Adam.

Visit with the Fox's!

The kids enjoyed tractor rides with Cousin Adam and Pap Paw Fox. Nate's favorite saying "Wheres the Mote"!